
The National Property Research Company undertakes research across all development types.    

Our research and analysis is specifically targeted to understanding how economic impacts and demographic and social trends affect the property and development industry.

Mixed-use Developments 

These developments generally include a component of residential, as well as some combination of retail, commercial and/or cafes and restaurants. They can range from a single block of units with some retail or cafes incorporated, up to a South Bank style development. These types of developments are becoming increasingly popular in inner city areas and transport corridors and nodes. 

How Can We Help You?

The National Property Research Company can undertake a demographic analysis and/or conduct focus groups of the surrounding population to assist in providing the appropriate dwelling mix for the target market. This research will also assist with provision of the appropriate non-residential uses in the development.  In addition, looking at sales rates combined with values (inclusive of residential, commercial and retail) and leasing rates will provide a guiding principle of what can be developed profitably.

Property Research with Integrity - Be In The Know